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Access Mode Chapter

Payment Mode Explain

1.Common mode:

2.Institution mode:

Parameter Explain



common mode (the merchant)

inistitution mode

appid in-app payment:app's appid all payment:inistitution official account's appid
mini-program payment:mimi-program's appidd
official account payment:official account's appid
quicky pay/QR code payment:official account's appid
mch_id(MID) Merchant id(MID) inistitution merchant id(MID)
apikey api key api key of inistitution
certificate merchant certificatte certificate of inistitution
openid the tag of user under merchant's appid the tag of user under inistitution's appid
sub_appid / in-app payment:merchant app's appid
mini-program payment:merchant mimi-program's appid
official account payment:merchant official account's appid
quicky pay/QR code payment:merchant official account's appid
sub_mch_id(SMID) / sub merchant id(SMID)
sub_openid / the tag of user under merchat's appid
Note: merchants who enter wechat pay by institution are collectively referred to as "special merchants" or "sub merchants"

Multi-Wallet Statement Field Descriptions

1.Multi-Wallet Statement

Field Name Description
Transaction time The transaction time of a successful transaction, such as 2015-01-01 10:00:00
Official account ID(appid) The Official Account ID assigned by WeChat, such as wx8888888888888888
Vendor ID(mch_id) The ID of the merchant who initiated the transaction, such as 10000000002.
Sub vendor ID(sub_mch_id) The merchant ID of the transaction in service provider mode
Device ID(Device_info) Provided by the merchant, such as 013467007045764
Wechat order number(transaction_id) The order number assigned by the WeChat Pay system, such as 1009340737201502040012309040
Vendor order number(out_transaction_id) The order number in the merchant system, such as 1217752501201407033233368018
User tag(openid) The unique ID of a user under the merchant's appid, such as oUpF8uMuAJO_M2pxb1Q9zNjWeS6o
Transaction type(trade_type) The transaction type submitted by the called API, such as JSAPI, NATIVE, APP, or MICROPAY
Transaction status(trade_state) The order status: SUCCESS - Payment successful; REFUND - Transferred to refund; REVOKED - Canceled
Payment bank(bank_type) The bank type, which is the bank ID in string format, such as CMC
Currency type(fee_type) The currency type, a three-letter code based on ISO 4217, such as CNY
Total amount(total_fee) The total order amount, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 10.44
Coupon amount The total amount of the coupon used in the order, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 2.00
Wechat refund number(refund_id) The WeChat refund number, such as 2009340737201502040000626522
Vendor refund number(out_refund_no) The refund number in the merchant system, such as 121775250120140703323336
Refund amount(refund_fee) The refund amount, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 1.55
Coupon refund amount The coupon refund amount, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 1.55
Refund type ORIGINAL - Refund to the payer's account; BALANCE - Refund to Balance
Refund status(refund_status_$n) SUCCESS - Refund successful; FAIL - Refund failed; PROCESSING - Refund in process
Product name  
Vendor's data package(attach) Additional data, which will be returned unchanged in the query API and payment notifications. This field is mainly used by merchants to add custom data in orders.
Fee The processing fee for each transaction/refund (a negative fee indicates a processing fee refund), precise to 2 decimal places, such as 1.55
Rate The rate
Payment Currency type(Cash_fee_type) The user's payment currency
Cash payment amount(Cash_fee) The user's payment amount
Settlement currency type The currency used in settlement
Settlement currency amount The settlement amount
Exchange rate The exchange rate
Refund exchange rate The refund exchange rate
Payer's Refund amount The amount refunded to the user
Payer's Refund currency type The currency of the user's refund
Refund currency type The refund currency
Refund settlement currency type The currency used in refund settlement
Refund settlement amount The refund settlement amount

2.Multi-Wallet Successful Payment Statement

Field Name Description
Transaction time The transaction time of a successful transaction, such as 2015-01-01 10:00:00
Official account ID(appid) The Official Account ID assigned by WeChat, such as wx8888888888888888
Vendor ID(mch_id) The ID of the merchant who initiated the transaction, such as 10000000002.
Sub vendor ID(sub_mch_id) The merchant ID of the transaction in service provider mode
Device ID(Device_info) Provided by the merchant, such as 013467007045764
Wechat order number(transaction_id) The order number assigned by the WeChat Pay system, such as 1009340737201502040012309040
Vendor order number(out_transaction_id) The order number in the merchant system, such as 1217752501201407033233368018
User tag(openid) The unique ID of a user under the merchant's appid, such as oUpF8uMuAJO_M2pxb1Q9zNjWeS6o
Transaction type(trade_type) The transaction type submitted by the called API, such as JSAPI, NATIVE, APP, or MICROPAY
Transaction status(trade_state) The order status: SUCCESS - Payment successful; REFUND - Transferred to refund; REVOKED - Canceled
Payment bank(bank_type) The bank type, which is the bank ID in string format, such as CMC
Currency type(fee_type) The currency type, a three-letter code based on ISO 4217, such as CNY
Total amount(total_fee) The total order amount, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 10.44
Coupon amount The total amount of the coupon used in the order, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 2.00
Product name The product name
Vendor's data package(attach) Additional data, which will be returned unchanged in the query API and payment notifications. This field is mainly used by merchants to add custom data in orders.
Fee The processing fee for each transaction/refund (a negative fee indicates a processing fee refund), precise to 2 decimal places, such as 1.55
Rate The rate
Payment Currency type(Cash_fee_type) The user's payment currency
Cash payment amount(Cash_fee) The user's payment amount
Settlement currency type The currency used in settlement
Settlement currency amount The settlement amount
Exchange rate The exchange rate

3.Multi-Wallet Refund Statement

Field Name Description
Transaction time The transaction time of a successful transaction, such as 2015-01-01 10:00:00
Official account ID(appid) The Official Account ID assigned by WeChat, such as wx8888888888888888
Vendor ID(mch_id) The ID of the merchant who initiated the transaction, such as 10000000002.
Sub vendor ID(sub_mch_id) The merchant ID of the transaction in service provider mode
Device ID(Device_info) Provided by the merchant, such as 013467007045764
Wechat order number(transaction_id) The order number assigned by the WeChat Pay system, such as 1009340737201502040012309040
Vendor order number(out_transaction_id) The order number in the merchant system, such as 1217752501201407033233368018
User tag(openid) The unique ID of a user under the merchant's appid, such as oUpF8uMuAJO_M2pxb1Q9zNjWeS6o
Transaction type(trade_type) The transaction type submitted by the called API, such as JSAPI, NATIVE, APP, or MICROPAY
Transaction status(trade_state) The order status: SUCCESS - Payment successful; REFUND - Transferred to refund; REVOKED - Canceled
Payment bank(bank_type) The bank type, which is the bank ID in string format, such as CMC
Currency type(fee_type) The currency type, a three-letter code based on ISO 4217, such as CNY
Total amount(total_fee) The total order amount, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 10.44
Coupon amount The total amount of the coupon used in the order, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 2.00
Refund apply time The time of the refund application
Refund complete time The time the refund is completed
Wechat refund number(refund_id) The WeChat refund number, such as 2009340737201502040000626522
Vendor refund number(out_refund_no) The refund number in the merchant system, such as 121775250120140703323336
Refund amount(refund_fee)) The refund amount, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 1.55
Cash coupon refund amount(coupon_refund_fee_$n) The coupon refund amount, precise to 2 decimal places, such as 1.55
Refund type ORIGINAL - Refund to the payer's account; BALANCE - Refund to Balance
Refund status(refund_status_$n) SUCCESS - Refund successful; FAIL - Refund failed; PROCESSING - Refund in process
Product name  
Vendor's data package(attach) Additional data, which will be returned unchanged in the query API and payment notifications. This field is mainly used by merchants to add custom data in orders.
Fee The processing fee for each transaction/refund (a negative fee indicates a processing fee refund), precise to 2 decimal places, such as 1.55
Rate The rate
Payment Currency type(Cash_fee_type) The user's payment currency
Cash payment amount(Cash_fee) The user's payment amount
Settlement currency type The currency used in settlement
Settlement currency amount The settlement amount
Exchange rate The exchange rate
Refund exchange rate The refund exchange rate
Payer's Refund amount The amount refunded to the user
Payer's Refund currency type The currency of the user's refund
Refund currency type The refund currency
Refund settlement currency type The currency used in refund settlement
Refund settlement amount The refund settlement amount

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