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Error Code Chapter

WeChat Pay APIv3 Use the HTTP status code to represent the result of the request processing.

If the request is successfully processed, 200 will be returned if there is a response, and 204 will be returned if there is no response.

A request that has been successfully accepted and is waiting to be processed will return 202.

When the request processing fails, if the necessary input parameters are missing and the balance is insufficient during payment, an error code in the range of 4xx will be returned.

The service system error of WeChat Pay occurred during request processing,and the status code of 500/501/503 will be returned. This situation is relatively rare.

The error code at the start with 4 generally represents business errors. Such as wrong request parameters or failure to obtain interface authority. Merchants can check the reasons according to the specific error description returned. The error code at the start with 5 represents system errors. Such as interface exception or system processing timeout. It can be tried again by using the original request parameters. Generally, the problem can be solved by retrying 2-3 times.

For more information about error codes, please check:API error message

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