Notice on Upgrade of Weixin Pay Cross-Border Payment Access Service

Dear Weixin Pay Institutions/Merchants,

     To enhance your experience, Weixin Pay Cross-Border Payment Service has upgraded its API and related API access documents.

     You can log into Weixin Pay Cross-Border Payment Open Platform and select Support > Developers to access the new version of the document center and check the details of the upgraded API and related document .

Please see below for a summary of this upgrade:

1、The newly released global general version of payment API V3 Global is easier to use, safe and unified.

A、It employs the mainstream REST style, JSON data transmission, and RSA signature algorithm;

B、The API is applicable around the world. No need to worry about choosing an API version.

C、The upgrade does not affect your use of the previous version API V2. You can choose which API version to connect. Institutions/Merchants who have connected to API V2 can also upgrade to API V3 Global. Please refer to "Guide to upgrade of Weixin Pay Cross-Border Payment API" for details.

2. The homepage of the document center has been revised to optimize the directory structure, improve readability, and enable users to locate the required content more quickly.

A、Newly added a series of guidance to facilitate quick access to the API for Institutions/Merchants;

B、The document structure is clearer, and the general module is displayed on the top, which is more conducive to content search.

We have added an SDK for the API to assist overseas Institutions/Merchants with quick access to the API.

Weixin Pay Global Team
August 30th,2022

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