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Adding Receiver Result Query API

Latest update time:2022.08.04 Release notes

After a merchant initiates a request to add a receiver, call the API to query the adding receiver result. Only when the receiver's documents are approved by the WeChat and the status of the receiver relationship is reversed to EFFECTIVE, the Funds-distribution Request API can be called to add the receiver.

1. API Intro

Applicable object: Common mode Institutional mode

API rules:https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/profit-sharing/receivers/{account}

Request method:GET

Pathparameter is a path parameter.
Queryparameter needs to be passed in the request URL.
Bodyparameter needs to be passed in the request JSON.

2. Request Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Sub-merchant ID sub_mchid string[1, 32] No Body Sub-merchant ID allocated by WeChat Pay. It needs to be consistent with the sub-merchant ID in the transaction of WeChat Pay.
Note: Only forInstitutional mode
Example: 1900000109
Official account ID appid string[1, 32] No Body Merchant official account ID allocated by WeChat. When the receiver type includes PERSONAL_OPENID, its filling is required.
Example: wx8888888888888888
Sub-merchant official account ID sub_appid string[1, 32] No Body Sub-merchant official account ID allocated by WeChat. When the receiver type includes PERSONAL_SUB_OPENID, its filling is required.
Note: Only forInstitutional mode
Example: wx8888888888888889
Receiver type type string Yes Body Receiver type.
PERSONAL_OPENID: Personal OpenID, converted by merchant APPID
PERSONAL_SUB_OPENID: Personal Sub_OpenID, converted by sub-merchant APPID
Receiver account account string[1, 64] Yes Body When the type is MERCHANT_ID, it is a merchant ID
When the type is PERSONAL_OPENID, it is a personal OpenID
When the type is PERSONAL_SUB_OPENID, it is a personal Sub_OpenID
Example: 86693852

Request Eample


										"stock_id": "PHP",
										"offset": 10,
										"limit": 10,

										"stock_id": ".NET",
										"limit": 10,

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

3. Response Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Sub-merchant ID sub_mchid string[1, 32] No Sub-merchant ID, same as the request parameter.
Example: 1900000109
Receiver type type string Yes Receiver type, same as the request parameter.
MERCHANT_ID - Merchant ID,
PERSONAL_OPENID - Personal OpenID, converted by merchant APPID
PERSONAL_SUB_OPENID - Personal Sub_OpenID, converted by sub-merchant APPID
Receiver account account string[1, 64] Yes Receiver account, same as the request parameter.
Example: 86693852
Full name of receiver name string[1, 1024] No Full name of receiver, same as the request parameter.
Example: hu89ohu89ohu89o
Relationship type with merchant relation_type string Yes Relationship type with merchant, same as the request parameter.
SUPPLIER - Supplier,
DISTRIBUTOR - Distributor,
TAX_SERVICE_PROVIDER - Tax service provider,
IT_SERVICE_PROVIDER - Technical service provider,
CUSTOM - Custom,
Custom funds-distribution relationship custom_relation string[1, 10] No Customized funds-distribution relationship, same as the request parameter.
Example: agent
Detailed description of funds-distribution scenario scene string[3, 256] Yes Detailed description of funds-distribution scenario, same as the request parameter.
Example: The receiver is the domestic tax service provider, which helps the merchant withhold and pay the tax to the domestic customs.
Major service scope of receiver major_service string[3, 256] No Major service scope of receiver, same as the request parameter.
Example: Tax preparation service
Expected funds-distribution ratio of receiver expected_ratio int Yes Expected funds-distribution ratio of receiver, same as the request parameter.
Example: 2000
Receiver relationship status state string Yes The relationship status between merchant and receiver. It is only allowed to distribute funds to the receiver in EFFECTIVE status.
INIT - The receiver information is to be audited by WeChat
EFFECTIVE - The receiver relationship is in effect
AUDIT_FAILED - The receiver relationship failed in the audit
Receiver relationship add failure reason fail_reason string No The reason for failure to add receiver will only occur when state is AUDIT_FAILED
PARTNERSHIP_NOT_SUPPORTED - The partnership relationship with the receiver does not support Funds-distribution
DEFAULT_ERROR - Default error,

Return Example

    "custom_relation":"Authorized livestream salesperson",
    "scene":"The receiver is the authorized livestream salesperson",

	"code": "SYSTEM_ERROR",
	"message": "Parameter error"

										"stock_id": ".NET",
										"limit": 10,

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

Error Code

Error Codes Error Message Description Solution
404 NOT_FOUND The receiver relationship does not exist Check whether the receiver account, receiver type and other fields are filled in correctly
403 NO_AUTH The merchant has not signed the overseas funds-distribution product Refer to the product process and access preparation, confirm that the merchant has funds-distribution authorization, and initiate the request again
403 NO_AUTH The merchant has enabled the funds-distribution product and is waiting for it to take effect (Usually takes effect the next day) The funds-distribution function cannot be initiated on the first day. Please initiate the request on the next day
403 NO_AUTH The parent-child relationship of the merchant does not exist. Please use correct sub-merchant ID to initiate the request Please check if the sub-merchant ID (sub_mchid) is filled in correctly

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