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Uploading Image API

Latest update time:2022.08.04 Release notes

Merchants or institutions call this API to upload the certificate images in jpeg, jpg, bmp, png format. The API should be called through POST form, with enctype set as multipart/form-data.

1. API Instructions

Applicable to:Common mode Institutional mode

Request URL:https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/merchant/media/upload

Request body type:multipart/form-data

Request method:POST

Pathparameter is a path parameter.
Queryparameter needs to be passed in the request URL.
Bodyparameter needs to be passed in the request JSON.

2. Request Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
File information file object Yes BodyBinary conversion of the media image to obtain the binary content of the media image, upload the binary content in the request body. Media images only support JPG, BMP, and PNG formats, and the file size cannot exceed 2M
Media file meta information meta object Yes BodyMedia file meta information, expressed in json, contains two objects: filename and sha256.
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
File name filename string[1, 128] Yes The name of the media image uploaded by the merchant is customized by the merchant and must be suffixed with JPG, BMP, and PNG.
Document summary sha256 string[1, 64] Yes The file summary of the picture file is the value obtained by sha256 calculation of the binary content of the picture file

3. Request examples with different development languages

String filePath = "/your/home/hellokitty.png";
URI uri = new URI("https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/merchant/media/upload");
File file = new File(filePath);

try (FileInputStream ins1 = new FileInputStream(file)) { 
  String sha256 = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(ins1);
  try (InputStream ins2 = new FileInputStream(file)) {
    HttpPost request = new WechatPayUploadHttpPost.Builder(uri)
        .withImage(file.getName(), sha256, ins2)
    CloseableHttpResponse response1 = httpClient.execute(request);
// 参考上述指引说明,并引入 `MediaUtil` 正常初始化,无额外条件
use WechatPay\GuzzleMiddleware\Util\MediaUtil;
// 实例化一个媒体文件流,注意文件后缀名需符合接口要求
$media = new MediaUtil('/your/file/path/with.extension');

// 正常使用Guzzle发起API请求
try {
    $resp = $client->request('POST', 'https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/[merchant/media/video_upload|marketing/favor/media/image-upload]', [
        'body'    => $media->getStream(),
        'headers' => [
            'Accept'       => 'application/json',
            'content-type' => $media->getContentType(),
    // POST 语法糖
    $resp = $client->post('merchant/media/upload', [
        'body'    => $media->getStream(),
        'headers' => [
            'Accept'       => 'application/json',
            'content-type' => $media->getContentType(),
    echo $resp->getStatusCode().' '.$resp->getReasonPhrase()."\n";
    echo $resp->getBody()."\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage()."\n";
    if ($e->hasResponse()) {
        echo $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode().' '.$e->getResponse()->getReasonPhrase()."\n";
        echo $e->getResponse()->getBody();

										"stock_id": ".NET",
										"limit": 10,

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

Request examples with Java, please refer to:wechatpay-apache-httpclient

Request examples with PHP, please refer to:wechatpay-guzzle-middleware

4. Return Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Media file ID media_id string[1, 512] Yes Id of the media file returned by WeChat.

Return Example

  "media_id": "6uqyGjvHzOhsLleGFQVRF"

    "appid": "wx7bc98d929da735fe",


										"stock_id": ".NET",
										"limit": 10,

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

5. Request Procedure

5.1. Create a POST method request/upload URI

For example:

POST https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/merchant/media/upload HTTP/1.1

    "appid": "wx7bc98d929da735fe",


										"stock_id": ".NET",
										"limit": 10,

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

5.2.Add the file data to the request body

5.2.1 How to obtain the file parameter of an image:
The binary content of an image is included in the body of the request HTTP.

5.2.2 How to obtain the meta parameter of a media file:
Media file meta information, expressed in JSON, contains two objects: filename and sha256.
● How to obtain the filename parameter:
The custom name of an image uploaded by the merchant and must be suffixed with ".JPG", ".BMP", or ".PNG".
● How to obtain the sha256 parameter:
The image digest, obtained by calculating the binary content of an image with sha256.

5.2.3 Signature calculation::
Signature generation
The request body involved in signature calculation is a JSON string of meta:
​ {"filename": "filea.jpg", "sha256": "hjkahkjsjkfsjk78687dhjahdajhk"}

Example of a string to be signed:

1566987169           // Timestamp
12ced2db6f0193dda91ba86224ea1cd8   // Random number
{"filename": "file1.jpg", "sha256": "hjkahkjsjkfsjk78687dhjahdajhk"} 

5.3.Add the HTTP header:

Content-Type:multipart/form-data.Set to the MIME media type of the object to be uploaded.
Authorization: WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048 mchid="1900231671",

Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=boundary

5.4.Add a body:

// The content of the body is as follows
--boundary  // boundary is a string customized by the merchant
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="meta";
Content-Type: application/json
//There must be a blank line here
{ "filename": "filea.jpg", "sha256": " hjkahkjsjkfsjk78687dhjahdajhk " }
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="filea.jpg";
Content-Type: image/jpg
//There must be a blank line here
pic1    //pic1 is the binary content of an image.

Note:The end of each line of the request packet body needs to contain \r\n (including the blank lines).

5.5.Send request

POST /v3/merchant/media/upload HTTP/1.1
Host: api.mch.weixin.qq.com
Authorization: WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048 
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=boundary

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="meta";
Content-Type: application/json

{ "filename": "filea.jpg", "sha256": " hjkahkjsjkfsjk78687dhjahdajhk " }
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="filea.jpg";
Content-Type: image/jpg


6. Error Code

Error Codes Error Message Description Solution
500 SYSTEMERROR System error System error occurred when viewing a sub-vendor. Try again later.
400 PARAM_ERROR Regular Validation

XXX has invalid format. Check and try again.

PARAM_ERROR Image format error

The image format is wrong, please check and retry.
The image size should be less than 2M.
Image Hash value error, please check and retry.

PARAM_ERROR FIle exceed the size limit

FIle is bigger than 2M

429 FREQUENCY_LIMIT_EXCEED Frequency limit Operation is too fast, please retry later
403 NO_AUTH No permissions to call this endpoint No permissions. Check and try again.

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