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Mini Program Signing API

Latest update time:2023.11.07 Release notes

The merchant backend obtains a signing session ID by requesting this interface, and then calls the signing page of the mini program for Auto-debit through the mini program signing interface.


• The mini-program signing is divided into two steps. In step 1, the session_id is obtained through the pre-signing interface, and then the signing is invoked through step 2.

Step 1: Obtaining Signing Session ID API

1. API Intro

Applicable object: Common mode Institutional mode

Request Url: https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/papay/contracts/miniprogram-pre-entrust-sign

Request method: POST

Path parameter is a path parameter.
Queryparameter needs to be passed in the request URL.
Bodyparameter needs to be passed in the request JSON.


2. Request Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
App ID appid string[1, 32] Yes Body Appid bound to the merchant ID
Note: Only forCommon mode
Example: wxcbda96de0b165486
Sub-merchant ID sub_mchid string[1, 32] Yes Body Sub-merchant ID allocated by WeChat Pay
Note: Only forInstitutional mode
Example: 10000097
App ID of the service provider sp_appid string[1, 32] Yes Body Appid bound to the service provider
Note: Only forInstitutional mode
Example: wxcbda96de0b165486
App ID of the sub-merchant sub_appid string[1, 32] No Body Appid bound to the sub-merchant ID for initiating signing
Example: wxcbda96de0b165484
Template ID plan_id int Yes Body Agreement template ID, which is generated by WeChat Pay when the merchant submits a deduction permission application to WeChat Pay
Example: 123
Signed contract No. out_contract_code string[1, 32] Yes Body The signed contract No. at the merchant side, generated by the merchant and must be unique at the merchant side
Example: 100001256
Displayed user account name user_display_name string[1, 32] No Body The name of the signing user, displayed on the page; urlencode is not required for the value, and the parameter value does not support the non-3-byte coded characters of UTF8, e.g., emoji, so WeChat nickname cannot be passed to this field.
Example: Zhang San
Signing success notification URL success_notify_url string[1, 256] Yes Body Callback notification URL starting with HTTPS; urlencode is not required for the value
Example: https://yoursite.com
User ID under the merchant’s appid openid string[1, 128] Yes Body Openid of the user under the merchant’s appid
For details, see Obtaining openid
Example: ouFhd5X9s9WteC3eWRjXV3lea123
Client IP user_client_ip string[1, 32] No Body Specifies the the IP of consumer
Expire time of pre-sign ID expired_time string[1, 64] No Body Specifies the expire time of signing url. Time difference between expired_time and request time should be less than 10 minutes and bigger than 5 minutes for mobile h5 and PC web signing scenarios, while it icould be less than 2 hours and bigger than 5 minutes for other scenarios. If this value is not set, the validity of signing url is 10 minutes in default for mobile h5 and PC web signing scenarios, while it is 2 hours for other signing scenarios.
This filed is in RFC3339 format. For example, 2018-06-08T10:34:56+08:00 represents BJT 10:34:56 June 8, 2018.
Example: 2021-11-20T13:29:35+08:00

Request Eample:

  "appid": "wxcbda96de0b165486",
  "expired_time": "2021-11-20T13:29:35+08:00",
  "openid": "ouFhd5X9s9WteC3eWRjXV3lea123",
  "out_contract_code": "100001256",
  "plan_id": 123,
  "success_notify_url": "https://yoursite.com",
  "user_client_ip": "",
  "user_display_name": "Zhang San"

  "expired_time": "2021-11-20T13:29:35+08:00",
  "openid": "ouFhd5X9s9WteC3eWRjXV3lea123",
  "out_contract_code": "100001256",
  "plan_id": 123,
  "return_url": "https://yoursite.com",
  "sp_appid": "wxcbda96de0b165486",
  "sub_appid": "wxcbda96de0b165484",
  "sub_mchid": "10000097",
  "success_notify_url": "https://yoursite.com",
  "user_display_name": "Zhang San"

3. Response Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Auto-debit signing session ID session_id string[1, 128] Yes Auto-debit signing session ID returned by WeChat
Example: 201710180325670965


  "session_id": "201710180325670965"

"message":"Parameter error"

4. Error Codes

Error Codes Error Message Description Solution
403 CONTRACT_EXISTED The contract is already signed The user has already sign the contract. If another contract is required to sign, please change the out_contract_code and retry.
403 CONTRACT_NOT_EXIST The contract cannot be found Please check whether the request contract is correct or whether it is terminated.
400 PARAM_ERROR Parameter error Please check the request parameter format.
500 SYSTEM_ERROR System error Please try the request again

Step 2: Mini Program Signing API


Applicable object:Common mode Institutional mode

Interface: wx.navigateToMiniProgram(OBJECT) interface

Description: This interface has been supported since Version 6.5.9 of iOS WeChat client and Version 6.5.10 of Android client.

Request Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
WeChat signing mini program appid appId string[1, 32] Yes Fixed value wxbd687630cd02ce1d Please add this appid to the configuration item navigateToMiniProgramAppIdList of the mini program configuration file app.json
Example: wxbd687630cd02ce1d
Data of the scenario information that is passed to the mini program extraData object Yes BodyFor details, see the description about the extraData field
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Auto-debit signing session ID session_id string[1, 128] Yes Auto-debit signing session ID returned by WeChat
Example: 201710180325670965
Page path for opening the mini program path string Yes Fixed value: pages/index/index
Example: pages/index/index
Callback function when the interface is called successfully success Function Yes Callback function when the interface is called successfully
Callback function when the interface calling operation fails fail Function Yes Callback function when the interface calling operation fails
Callback function when the interface calling operation is completed complete Function Yes Executed when the interface calling operation succeeds or fails


	appId: wxbd687630cd02ce1d,
	path: 'pages/Oversea/walletSelect?sessionId=201710180325670965',
	extraData: {},
	success(res) {
		// Jumped to the signing mini program successfully
	fail(res) {
		// Failed to jump to the signing mini program 

Response Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Auto-debit contract ID contract_id string[1, 64] Yes Auto-debit contract ID returned by WeChat after successful signing
Example: 201710180325670965


	onShow(res)  {
		if  (res.scene  ===  1038)  {  //Scenario value 1038: return from the opened min program
			const  { 
			}  =  res.referrerInfo
			if  (appId  ==  'wxbd687630cd02ce1d')  {  // appId is wxbd687630cd02ce1d: jump back from the signing min program
				if  (typeof  extraData  ==  'undefined') {
					// TODO
					// The client min program is not sure of the signing result and needs to request the merchant-side background to confirm the signing result
				if (extraData.return_code  ==  'SUCCESS') {
					// TODO
					// The client min program signs successfully and needs to request the merchant-side background to confirm the signing result
					var  contract_id  =  extraData.contract_id
				else  {
					// TODO
					// Signing failed
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