Error Analysis: Authorization code used repeatedly. Please check.
Please check against the following items:
1. Please check if the xml format is correct.
2. Do not upload anything, including null, to spare fields, for example, err_code_des;
3. "System overload" will also be displayed when something is wrong with the signature; Make sure to sign after all of the parameters haven been configured.
4. Check if the user canceled the payment during the payment process.
Hello, this error is displayed because the user has already paid for another order with the same amount within 1 minute. Please ask the user to confirm this before paying.
Orders paid with bank cards should be paid within 45s, it is irrelevant to the time_expire entered by the merchant. That is to say, an order will be deemed to have timed out in 45s after the request is submitted, regardless of the time limit set by the merchant. A timed out order cannot be paid. It can only be paid when the merchant re-initiates the payment of this order.
The bill detail page of the "WeChat Pay Vouchers" will only be displayed when making paying via payment codes. It is not displayed in any other types of transactions.
If the authcodeToOpenid of the payment code for paying by bank cards is called by a merchant, that payment code can be used to pay only that merchant.
Please check against the following items:
1. Check if the currency coding is wrong.
2. The parameter value of the currency type, fee_type, filled in by the merchant should be in upper case.
3. Check if the format and length of the parameters meet the requirements specified in the document.
Cancellation cannot be performed during payment. It is recommended to cancel after 1 minute.
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