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Merged orders FAQ

How long do I have before the orders uploaded to the merged order expire?

The orders uploaded to the merged order will expire within 15 (default) to 90 (maximum) days.

Does the merged order interface support sharing of the same value between the merged order number and sub-order number?

The merged order interface supports sharing of the same value between the merged order number and sub-order number.

Can marketing functions such as coupons, vouchers, product coupons be used in the merged order payment interface?

Marketing functions are currently disabled in merged order payment.

Is merged order payment available under the service provider mode?

Merged order payment is available under the service provider mode.

When the merged order payment interface is called, "Transaction request submitted, please check the message notification sent by WeChat Pay. Please do not make repeated payments when the payment status is unclear" is returned for "Initiate payment API".

Data completeness verification failed. Please check if any necessary parameters are missing in the request parameters.

What is the upper limit for the merged order payment amount field?

The upper limit for the merged order payment amount field is 10 million per sub-order.

When the merged order payment interface is called, "FAIL" is returned for "place merged orders"

Please check according to the following process:
1. Check if any necessary parameters for placing orders are missing.
2. Check if the parameter, body code, is correct.

When the merged order payment interface is called, "FAIL" is returned for "Merged and closed order interface".

Please check according to the following process:
1. After the order is generated, do not call the "closed order interface" immediately. Please wait at least 1 minute.
2. The protocol rules for closed orders need to be adhered to.

When the merged order payment interface is called to uniformly place merged orders, "SystemError" is returned for " place merged orders"

Please check according to the following process:
1. If the value of trade_type is "MWEB", it is necessary to upload the parameter, secene_info.
2. Check if the length of the request parameter, nonce_str, complies with the standard specified in the document.
3. Check if the timestamp complies with the 10-digit standard specified in the document.

When the merged order payment interface is called to place merged orders, "Incorrect sub-order information" is returned for "place merged orders"

Please check according to the following process:
1. The appid in the sub-order needs to be consistent with the appid of the initiator.
2. The mchid of the sub-order needs to be linked with the initiating appid.

Is only 1 sub-order allowed under merged order?

Only 1 sub-order is allowed under merged order only in the service provider mode.

Can I close some of the sub-orders via the merged order payment interface?

No. The order merchant number, order number, number of orders, merchant number of sub-orders, sub-order number of the closing orders must be identical.

Are multiple sub-orders allowed under a merged order?

1. Under the service provider mode, the initiator and the participator cannot share the same merchant number. The sub-orders of the participator can use the same merchant number.
2. Under the directly-linked mode, the initiator and the participator may share the same merchant number. The sub-orders of the participator may also use the same merchant number.

Is it possible for certain sub-orders to be in different status when paying for merged orders?

It is impossible for certain sub-orders to be in different status when paying for merged orders because the payment of a merged order is either fully successful or fully failed.

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