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Product Introduction

1. Product Overview

Native Payment means that the merchant generates a collection QR code corresponding to the order according to the order information, and the user opens the WeChat client and selects + in the top right corner > Scan to scan the payment code to complete the payment.

Native Payment is applicable to both online and offline scenarios. Offline scenarios usually refer to offline restaurants and convenience stores, etc. while online scenarios refer to WeChat Pay collection on PC websites.

Application Scenario Scenario Description Problem to Fix

Offline restaurants and convenience stores, etc.

The merchant generates a QR code corresponding to a single order on the POS machine and shows the QR code to the user, and then the user completes the payment after scanning the QR code through the WeChat client.

Meeting the requirement of the offline WeChat Pay checkout scenario, and providing solutions for some POS machines without any code scanning device

Online PC websites

The merchant's online PC mall generates a collection QR code based on the specific amount of the order placed by the user and displays it on the PC webpage. The user scans the QR code thorough the WeChat client to complete the payment, and the merchant displays the order payment result on the PC webpage.

Since WeChat Pay does not provide a PC client, this product can solve the problem of accessing WeChat Pay in PC scenarios

2. Product Process

The experience process of native payment product is described below. The merchant can display the collection QR code on the offline POS or screen or on the online PC website for users to scan.

3. Conditions of Use

No special use conditions are set for this product. After onboarding as a WeChat Pay institution or direct merchant, you can obtain the permission to use this product by default.

4. Special Notes

Corresponding link format: weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?sr=123456. The merchant needs to call the third-party library to generate a QR code image from code_url. The link of this mode is short and the recognition rate of the generated QR code printed on the checkout receipt is high.

For example, the figure below shows the QR code generated from weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?sr=123456.

5. Application Cases

Native payment is commonly used on online PC end online-retailer websites, e.g., Steam and various airlines. See the following figure that shows Steam's online payment interface at PC end.

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