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Product Introduction


• Due to product iteration, the H5 payment authorization can be applied for using the Merchant Onboarding interface.

• For more information, please refer to:
Merchant Onboarding(Introduction)
Merchant Onboarding(Preparation)
Merchant Onboarding(Development Guidelines)
Merchant Onboarding(APIs)

1. Product Overview

H5 payment mainly works for payment scenarios where users want to directly call WeChat Pay when they open the merchant's H5 mall website for shopping in browsers other than WeChat client (e.g., QQ browser, Google Chrome and Safari). See H5 Payment for details.。

To enable H5 payment, the merchant should submit an application for review by WeChat internal staff. The permission will be granted after the application is approved.

An application for H5 payment may be submitted through the Merchant Platform or this API.

2. Conditions of Use

1. The merchant is a WeChat Pay merchant, has or intends to develop its H5 mall website, and is in a country, region and industry that can enable H5 payment

• H5 payment is open to merchants in most countries, regions and industries, and can be enabled by submitting the corresponding materials according to qualification requirements for the specific region and industry (See the To-do List before Access for the application procedure and materials).
• H5 payment is currently unavailable in Indonesia, Cambodia and Laos.

2. If the website is not yet launched, the merchant can only apply for trial H5 payment with a limit. If the website has been launched, the merchant can apply for official H5 payment with or without limit.

3. Special Notice

Before using API to apply for H5 payment for the first time, log in to the Merchant Platform, access the H5 payment application page, and sign a supplementary agreement.

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