To log in to the Wechat Pay Open Platform, you are recommended to use the latest version of Chrome. WeChat Pay Open Platform also recommends you use the IE 9.0 or higher version and Safari in Mac system to log in.
If you are used the mentioned browsers, please follow the guidelines below:
1. Chrome
To quickly install security controls and log in, first remove your cookie cache and then install the security controls.
1.1 Locate your browser's settings
1.2 In settings, locate and click "Clear browsing data"
1.3 Select "All time" and "Cookies and other site data" and click the "Clear data" button in the bottom right corner.
1.4 After clearing the cache, the floating panel will disappear, which means the data was cleared successfully. Then, restart the browser (close all web pages and open the browser again).
2. Safari(only for safari11.0 and former version,if you are using safari 12.0 and upper version, please change to Chrome)
First, Open the authorization of NPQQPassword
Steps: as the picture shows below:
3. Other browsers(e.g. QQ Browser)
Please use “compatible mode”, not using the “speedy mode”.
As the picture showed: swtich the logo“flash”to the logo “e”
4. Installation of Security Control
Please re-open the browser, enter the WeChat Pay Open Platform address:
4.1 Click "Sign In"
After you enter your merchant ID, you will be prompted to download and install the security controls. Click the box outlined in red in the image below.
4.2 After you click "Download and install the security controls", the installation package will begin to download automatically. Once it is finished, double-click the downloaded installation package (the file name is tenpaycert_c47).
4.3 When you double-click the security controls installation package, you will see the following interface:
4.4 The image below shows the installation process:
4.5 Now everything is ready. Entering your merchant ID& password in the password box, then log in. See the image below:
Wechat Pay Global Team