Submit Refund API
When a refund is needed due to the buyer or seller within a period after the transaction, the seller can return the payment to the buyer through the Refund API. WeChat Pay will return the payment to the buyer's account in accordance with the refund rules after receiving the refund request and completing the verification.

• Orders placed over one year ago are not eligible for refund.
• WeChat Pay allows for refunds to be made in multiple installments for a single transaction, up to 50 times. For multiple refunds, the merchant order number of the original payment order must be provided and different refund number must be set. The total refund amount applied cannot exceed the order amount. If a refund fails, please resubmit it without changing the refund number and use the original merchant refund number.
• The frequency limit for error or invalid requests is 6qps, which means that the number of abnormal or erroneous refund requests should not exceed 6 per second.
• The number of partial refunds for each payment order cannot exceed 50 times.
• If a user requests multiple refunds, it is recommended to process them in different batches to avoid concurrent refunds that may result in refund failures.
• The return of the refund application interface only represents the acceptance status of the transaction. To confirm the success of a refund, you need to obtain the result through the refund query interface.
• The refund frequency limit for orders placed over a month ago is 5000/min.
• Requests for multiple refunds for the same order must be separated by 1 minute.