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Query Sub-merchant API

Latest update time:2024.03.27 Release notes

It is used by the institution to view whether the sub-merchant has been successfully created. The API is only used for a single sub-merchant check.


• The {sub_mchid} in the URL refers to the Sub-merchant ID to be viewed.

1. API Intro

Applicable object: Institutional mode

Request URL:https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/merchants/{sub_mchid}

Request method:GET

Pathparameter is a path parameter.
Queryparameter needs to be passed in the request URL.
Bodyparameter needs to be passed in the request JSON.

2. Request Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Institution's Merchant ID sp_appid string[1,32] Yes Query Merchant ID assigned to institutions by WeChat Pay
Note:Only forInstitutional mode
Example: wx8888888888888888
Organization APPID sp_mchid string[1,32] Yes Query APPID corresponding to the Service Account applied for by the institution on the WeChat Official Accounts Platform
Note:Only forInstitutional mode
Example: 3200000001
Sub-merchant ID sub_mchid string[1,32] Yes Path Sub-merchant ID
Example: 20000100

Request Eample:


  "currency": "CNY",
  "out_trade_no": "P20150806125346",
  "sub_mchid": "1900000109"

										"stock_id": ".NET",
										"limit": 10,

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

3. encryption guide

Note on sensitive field encryption:

For parameters that contain sensitive information, such as contact information, a "field encryption" security mechanism is provided to make sure that the sensitive information can only be seen by the data recipient.

Encryption procedures

1、Perform the RSA encryption for the parameter values with the public key of the WeChat Pay Platform certificate. Use `RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5` as the filling scheme.

2、The encrypted ciphertext that is encoded with base64 is used as the value of the appropriate parameter in the request.

4. Response Parameters

Response for successful request:

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Submerchant id sub_mchid string[1,32] Yes Specifies the sub merchant ID assigned by WeChat
Example: 20000100
Full name of the sub-merchant name string[1,128] Yes The registration name of the sub-merchant
Example: Merchant name
Short name of the sub-merchant shortname string[1,64] Yes The short name of the sub-merchant, which is used for the display of WeChat order details and the successful payment page
Example: Merchant shortname
Company contact information office_phone string[1,32] Yes Contact information of the merchant, which will be displayed to the user after the payment.
Example: 075586010000
Registered Country or Region merchant_country_code string[1,3] Yes The country where the submerchant was registered ,see to CountryCode
Example: 344
Business category business_category int Yes Specifies the business category, please refer to the business ID list of WeChat payment. Please see Business Category
Example: 101
Contact information contact object No Contact information object details is listed below
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Full Name name string[1,64] No Specifies the contact person’s name.
Example: Bob Zhang
Mobile Phone No. phone string[1,32] No Specifies the mobile phone number of the merchant for any urgent issues. Please prefix the phone number. See the appendix for prefixes.
Example: +8613633334444
Email email string[1,256] No Specifies the contact email of the merchant.
Example: test@test.com
Merchant Type merchant_type string[1,10] No ENTERPRISE or INDIVIDUAL
Registration Certificate Number registration_certificate_number string[1,50] No Company registration document Number
Example: 5555-8888
Expiration Date of Registration Certificate registration_certificate_date string[1,10] No The expiration date of the company registration document.
The value should be expire date or “PERMANENT” , “N/A”, the date format should YYYY-MM-DD
Example: 2020-10-16
Settlement Bank No. settlement_bank_number string[1,128] No Settlement bank account number (settlement bank information)
Example: 555588889999
Business information business object No Business information, the detail is listed below
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Business type business_type string[1,7] No There are three business types:ONLINE,
Example: BOTH
Download link of APP app_download string[1,128] No The download link of merchant’s APP.
Example: https://download.qq.com
Business website website string[1,128] No The business website, app_download
Example: https://www.qq.com
Official account office_account string[1,128] No Merchant’s official account.
Example: wx8888888888888888
Mini Program mini_program string[1,128] No Merchant’s mini program.
Example: wx8888888888888888
Store address store_address string[1,128] No Store address.
Example: 10F World Finance Centre (South Office), 11 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
MCC mcc string[1,4] No Mcc code, Please see Merchant category codes
Example: 4214
Director information director object No Director information,
The detail is listed below
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Director Name name string[1,128] No Director name.
Example: Bob
Director ID Number number string[1,128] No Director's ID number.
Example: 5555-8888
Principal information principal object No Principal information,
The detail is listed below
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Principal Name name string[1,128] No Principal's ID number.
Example: Bob
Principal ID Number number string[1,128] No Principal's ID number.
Example: 5555-8888
H5 payment application details h5_payment object No H5 payment application detail
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Full Name name string[1,64] No Specifies the contact person’s name.
Example: Bob Zhang
H5 audit reject detail audit_reject_detail string[1,1024] No Returned when H5 payment authorization state is REJECTED or APPLICATION_FAILED; reason for rejected or unsuccessful request.
Example: Merchant certificate is invalid.
H5 payment authorization state h5_authorization_state string[1,32] No Returned when apply_h5_payment is true; describe the H5 payment authorization state of the sub-merchant:
APPROVED: H5 payment authorization already granted;
UNAUTHORIZED: H5 payment authorization not granted, no H5 authorization application submitted;
UNDER_REVIEW: H5 payment authorization application is currently under review;
REJECTED: H5 payment authorization application has been rejected, please check the reason for the rejection in audit_reject_detail;
UNDER_PUNISHMENT: H5 payment authorization has been applied and granted, but sub-merchant is currently being penalized;
APPLICATION_FAILED: Failed to create the H5 payment authorization application, please check the reason in audit_reject_detail.
Sub-merchant's status info sub_merchant_state object No Sub-merchant's status info
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Sub-merchant's status sub_merchant_status string[1,32] No Sub-merchant's status refers to the status of the sub-merchant in the WeChat Pay system:
OPERATING: Normal; the sub-merchant has normal payment authorization and can initiate transactions.
PENDING: Pending; the sub-merchant's information has not passed regular review and the institution is required to log in to the WeChat Pay merchant platform to check and process it. The sub-merchant has normal payment authorization and can initiate transactions.
DEACTIVATED: The sub-merchant has been deactivated; the institution has suspended the sub-merchant account and the sub-merchant has no payment authorization and cannot initiate any transaction.
CLOSED: The sub-merchant has been closed; WeChat Pay has disabled the sub-merchant's payment authorization and the sub-merchant cannot initiate any transaction.
INCOMPLETE_APPLICATION: Onboarding process is incomplete; the sub-merchant's onboarding application is incomplete and has no payment authorization and cannot initiate any transaction. Please check the onboarding application status in the application_status field.
Sub-merchant's onboarding status application_status string[1,32] No Returned when the sub-merchant's onboarding status is "INCOMPLETE_APPLICATION"; Sub- merchant onboarding application status:
UNDER_REVIEW: Application is currently under review; WeChat Pay is reviewing the sub-merchant's onboarding application. Please wait. Check the sub-merchant's status every other day until it changes.
REJECTED: It has been rejected; the sub-merchant's onboarding application has been rejected by WeChat Pay. Please check the reason for rejection in the application_rejected_detail field.
Sub-merchant onboarding application rejection details application_reject_detail object No BodyReturned when the sub-merchant's onboarding status is "REJECTED"; reason why the onboarding application is rejected by WeChat Pay reviewer; presented in json array format for every rejected field and the reason.
If the application is rejected, please log in to the WeChat Pay Merchant Platform, modify the application information as required, and resubmit (API is not supported for now).
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Rejected field field string[1,128] No Name of the field rejected by WeChat Pay reviewer in the sub-merchant onboarding application form
Example: name
Reason for rejection reason string[1,1024] No Reason for the rejection of the field in sub-merchant onboarding application form by the WeChat Pay reviewer
Example: Merchant name is invalid.

Response for failed request:

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Returned status code code string[1,32] Yes Error code. See the error code list for the enumerated values.
Returned information message string[1,256] Yes Returned message. It indicates the reason for the error if not empty.
Detailed error description detail object No It is returned when code is PARAM_ERROR. Details will be described below.
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
The location of incorrect parameter field string[1,256] Yes If the incorrect parameter is in the JSON for request body, it is populated with the JSON Pointer pointing to this parameter. If the incorrect parameter is in the request URL or querystring, it is populated with the variable name of this parameter.
Value of the incorrect parameter value string[1,256] Yes Value of the incorrect parameter
Cause of error issue string[1,256] Yes Cause of error
Location of the incorrect parameter location string[1,256] No body: The incorrect parameter is in the JSON for request body
url: The incorrect parameter is in the request URL
query: The incorrect parameter is in the querystring of the request

Response Example:

  "sub_mchid": "20000100",
  "name": "test mcherchan_name",
  "shortname": "mcherchan_name",
  "office_phone": "075586010000",
  "merchant_introduction": "hotel and restaurant",
  "business_category": 644,
  "contact": {
    "name": "Bob Zhang",
    "phone": "+8613633334444"
  "principal": {
    "principal_name": "Bob",
    "principal_id_number": "5555-8888"
  "h5_payment": {
    "h5_authorization_state": "APPROVED"
  "sub_merchant_state": {
      "sub_merchant_status": "OPERATING"

  "sub_mchid": "20000100",
  "name": "test mcherchan_name",
  "shortname": "mcherchan_name",
  "office_phone": "075586010000",
  "merchant_introduction": "hotel and restaurant",
  "business_category": 644,
  "contact": {
    "name": "Bob Zhang",
    "phone": "+8613633334444"
  "principal": {
    "principal_name": "Bob",
    "principal_id_number": "5555-8888"
  "h5_payment": {
    "h5_authorization_state": "UNDER_REVIEW"
  "sub_merchant_state": {
    "application_reject_detail": [
      { "field": "name", "reason": "Merchant name is invalid." }
    "application_status": "REJECTED",
    "sub_merchant_status": "INCOMPLETE_APPLICATION"

5. Error Codes

Error Message Description Solution
PARAM_ERROR Req param error For the specific parameter format, please see the relevant document.
INVALID_REQUEST Invaild request Check your program based on the error message returned by the API.
SYSTEM_ERROR System error please try again System error. Re-initiate with the original parameters.

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