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Development Guidelines

1. API Rules

In order to provide a simple, consistent and easy-to-use development experience to merchants while ensuring payment security, we have launched the latest WeChat Pay APIv3 interface. Please refer to “APIv3 Interface Rules” for the specific rules of this API version.

2. Development Environment Setup

To help developers call the open interface, the development libraries of JavaPHPGO are provided, encapsulating the basic functions such as signature generation, signature verification, encryption/decryption of sensitive information, and media document upload

3. Fast Access

3.1. Business Sequence Chart

3.2. Example of API access

The document shows how to use the WeChat Pay server SDK to In-App Payment by scanning code and interface with WeChat Pay.


• The code examples in the document illustrate the basic usage of API. Before running the code, the example parameters in the code need to be replaced with the merchant's own account and request parameters.

• The access steps below are for your information, and should be evaluated and modified according to the merchant’s own business demands.

3.2.1 User identity verification API

Procedure: This interface allows merchants to request WeChat Pay to verify the consistency between the user’s real name for user payment and the identity information involved in the parameter, and merchants can use the correct information for customs clearance based on the verification results.

Sensitive information fields: certificate_id and certificate_name are the sensitive information of users. Such information and the users' privacy should be encrypted and transmitted according to WeChat Pay APIv3 to avoid being intercepted by intermediaries.

Encryption method:

• Download the WeChat Pay Platform Certificate, obtain the serial number and public key of certificate

• Add the serial number of WeChat Pay Platform Certificate in the HTTP header, Wechatpay-Serial : ${Serial Number of WeChat Pay Platform Certificate}

• Use the public key of WeChat Pay Platform Certificate to encrypt the sensitive fields with RSA, and choose RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 as the padding scheme

• Obtain the final content by performing the base64 encoding for ciphertext

Code example

//Id info verification API
    public void idVerification() throws IOException {
		String verifyIdInfoBody = """{
  "appid": "wxd678efh567hg6787",
  "mchid": "1230000109",
  "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
  "transaction_id": "1000320306201511078440737890",
  "sub_order_no": "20150806125346",
  "customs": "SHANGHAI_ZS",
  "merchant_customs_no": "123456",
  "certificate_type": "IDCARD",
  "certificate_id": "HHp24MagiQ6i7c5yIow5cJP5x2cGsAA8hi5yIow5cJP5x", // sensitive field, encryption content
  "certificate_name": "HHp24MagiQ6i7c5yIow/9ZTk5Zt5cJP5x2cGsAA8hif07fRdb2" //sensitive field,encryption content
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/verify-certificate");
        httpPost.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        httpPost.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        httpPost.addHeader("Wechatpay-Serial", "0798ABFDCBXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX054A761");
        httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(verifyIdInfoBody));
        CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
        //Process the response

//Call id verification API
func idVerification() {
   idVerificationBody := `{
  "appid": "wxd678efh567hg6787",
  "mchid": "1230000109",
  "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
  "transaction_id": "1000320306201511078440737890",
  "sub_order_no": "20150806125346",
  "customs": "SHANGHAI_ZS",
  "merchant_customs_no": "123456",
  "certificate_type": "IDCARD",
  "certificate_id": "HHp24MagiQ6i7c5yIow5cJP5x2cGsAA8hi5yIow5cJP5x",
  "certificate_name": "HHp24MagiQ6i7c5yIow/9ZTk5Zt5cJP5x2cGsAA8hif07fRdb2"
   header.Add("Wechatpay-Serial", "")
   header.Add("Idempotency-Key", "20220518-001")
   result, err := client.Post(ctx, "https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/verify-certificate", header, nil, idVerificationBody, "application/json")
   if err != nil {
      // Process error
   log.Printf("%s", result.Response.Body)

//Id info verification API
public function idInfoVerification($instance, $platformPublicKeyInstance, $platformCertificateSerial){
    $encryptor = static function(string $msg) use ($platformPublicKeyInstance): string {
        return Rsa::encrypt($msg, $platformPublicKeyInstance, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING);
    try {
        $resp = $instance
                'json' => [
                    'appid' => 'wxdace12300000000',
                    'mchid' => '1900000000',
                    'out_trade_no' => 'YX001',
                    'transaction_id' => '420000000001500000089',
                    'customs' => 'SHANGHAI_ZS',
                    'merchant_customs_no' => '123456',
                    'sub_order_no' => '20150806125346',
                    'certificate_type' => 'IDCARD',
                    'certificate_id' => 'HHp24MagiQ6i7c5yIow5cJP5x2cGsAA8hi5yIow5cJP5x',
                    'certificate_name' => 'HHp24MagiQ6i7c5yIow/9ZTk5Zt5cJP5x2cGsAA8hif07fRdb2'
                'headers' => [
                    'Wechatpay-Serial' => $platformCertificateSerial
        echo $resp->getStatusCode(), PHP_EOL;
        echo $resp->getBody(), PHP_EOL;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Exception handling

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

Please refer to the API document for ordering by scanning code for other critical parameters.

3.2.2 API for additional order information submission

Procedure: Merchants request WeChat Pay to push the customs declaration information of payment orders to the Customs through this interface. WeChat Pay will asynchronously push the payment order declaration information to the Customs after receiving the additional information of customs declaration

Code example

    //Customs Declaration API
    public void customsDeclaration() throws IOException {
		String customsDeclarationBody= """{
  "appid": "wxd678efh567hg6787",
  "mchid": "1230000109",
  "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
  "transaction_id": "1000320306201511078440737890",
  "customs": "SHANGHAI_ZS",
  "merchant_customs_no": "123456",
  "duty": 888,
  "sub_order_no": "20150806125346",
  "fee_type": "CNY",
  "order_fee": 888,
  "transport_fee": 888,
  "product_fee": 888
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/orders");
        httpPost.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        httpPost.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(customsDeclarationBody));
        CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
        //Process the response 

//Call customs declaration API
func customsDeclaration() {
   customsDeclarationBody := `
  "appid": "wxd678efh567hg6787",
  "mchid": "1230000109",
  "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
  "transaction_id": "1000320306201511078440737890",
  "customs": "SHANGHAI_ZS",
  "merchant_customs_no": "123456",
  "duty": 888,
  "sub_order_no": "20150806125346",
  "fee_type": "CNY",
  "order_fee": 888,
  "transport_fee": 888,
  "product_fee": 888
   result, err := client.Post(ctx, "https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/orders", customsDeclarationBody)
   if err != nil {
      // Process error
   log.Printf("%s", result.Response.Body)

//Customs Declaration API
public function customsDeclaration($instance){
    try {
        $resp = $instance
                'json' => [
                    'appid' => 'wxd678efh567hg6787',
                    'mchid' => '1230000109',
                    'out_trade_no' => '20150806125346',
                    'transaction_id' => '1000320306201511078440737890',
                    'customs' => 'SHANGHAI_ZS',
                    'merchant_customs_no' => '123456',
                    'duty' => 888,
                    'sub_order_no' => '20150806125346',
                    'fee_type' => 'CNY',
                    'order_fee' => 888,
                    'transport_fee' => 888,
                    'product_fee' => 888

        echo $resp->getStatusCode(), PHP_EOL;
        echo $resp->getBody(), PHP_EOL;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Exception handling

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

Please refer to the API document for ordering by scanning code for other critical parameters.

3.2.3 API for modifying customs declaration information

Procedure: This interface may be called to modify the customs declaration information if the merchant has incorrectly uploaded some fields. This interface allows to modify the following 5 fields only: merchant_customs_no, duty, order_fee, transport_fee, and product_fee

Code example

    //Modify Customs Declaration API
    public void modifyCustomsDeclarartionTest() throws IOException {
		String modifyCustomsDeclarationBody = """
   "appid": "wxd678efh567hg6787",
   "mchid": "1230000109",
   "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
   "transaction_id": "1000320306201511078440737890",
   "sub_order_no": "20150806125346",
   "customs": "SHANGHAI_ZS",
   "merchant_customs_no": "123456",
   "duty": 888,
   "order_fee": 888,
   "transport_fee": 888,
   "product_fee": 888
        HttpPatch httpPatch = new HttpPatch("https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/orders");
        httpPatch.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        httpPatch.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        httpPatch.setEntity(new StringEntity(modifyCustomsDeclarationBody));
        CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPatch);
        //Process the response 

//Modify customs declaration API
func modifyCustomsDeclarartion() {
   modifyCustomsDeclarartionBody := `
   "appid": "wxd678efh567hg6787",
   "mchid": "1230000109",
   "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
   "transaction_id": "1000320306201511078440737890",
   "sub_order_no": "20150806125346",
   "customs": "SHANGHAI_ZS",
   "merchant_customs_no": "123456",
   "duty": 888,
   "order_fee": 888,
   "transport_fee": 888,
   "product_fee": 888
   result, err := client.Patch(ctx, "https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/orders", modifyCustomsDeclarartionBody)
   if err != nil {
      // Process error
   log.Printf("%s", result.Response.Body)

//Modify Customs Declaration API
public function modifyCustomsDeclarartion($instance){
    try {
        $resp = $instance
                'json' => [
                    'appid' => 'wxd678efh567hg6787',
                    'mchid' => '1230000109',
                    'out_trade_no' => '20150806125346',
                    'transaction_id' => '1000320306201511078440737890',
                    'customs' => 'SHANGHAI_ZS',
                    'merchant_customs_no' => '123456',
                    'duty' => 888,
                    'sub_order_no' => '20150806125346',
                    'order_fee' => 888,
                    'transport_fee' => 888,
                    'product_fee' => 888

        echo $resp->getStatusCode(), PHP_EOL;
        echo $resp->getBody(), PHP_EOL;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Exception handling

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

Please refer to the API document for ordering by scanning code for other critical parameters.

3.2.4 API for querying additional order information

Procedure: This interface allows merchants to query the additional customs declaration information submitted, as well as the status of customs declaration.

Code example

    //Query Customs Declaration API
    public void queryCustomsDeclarationTest() throws IOException {
        HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/orders?appid=wxd678efh567hg6787&mchid=mchid&order_type=transaction_id&order_no=1000320306201511078440737890&customs=SHANGHAI_ZS&offset=1&limit=20");
        httpGet.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        httpGet.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);
        //Process the response 

//Call query customs declaration API
func queryCustomsDeclaration() {
   result, err := client.Get(ctx, "https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/orders?appid=wxd678efh567hg6787&mchid=mchid&order_type=transaction_id&order_no=1000320306201511078440737890&customs=SHANGHAI_ZS&offset=1&limit=20")
   if err != nil {
      // Process error
   log.Printf("%s", result.Response.Body)

//Query Customs Declaration API
public function queryCustomsDeclaration($instance){
    try {
        $resp = $instance
                'query' => [
                    'mchid' => '1900000000',
                    'appid' => 'wxd678efh567hg6787',
                    'order_type' => 'transaction_id',
                    'order_no' => '1000320306201511078440737890',
                    'customs' => 'SHANGHAI_ZS',
                    'offset' => 1,
					'limit' => 20
        echo $resp->getStatusCode(), PHP_EOL;
        echo $resp->getBody(), PHP_EOL;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Exception handling

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

Please refer to the API document for ordering by scanning code for other critical parameters.

3.2.5 API for re-pushing additional order information

Procedure: When an order has been declared and the Customs requires the merchant to re-push the declaration information, this interface allows the merchant to re-send the declaration information to the Customs.

Code example

    //Repush Customs Declaration API
    public void repushCustomsDeclarartionTest() throws IOException {
		String repushBody = """
  "appid": "wxd678efh567hg6787",
   "mchid": "1230000109",
   "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
   "transaction_id": "1000320306201511078440737890",
   "sub_order_no": "20150806125346",
   "sub_order_id": "1000320306201511078440737891",
   "customs": "SHANGHAI_ZS",
   "merchant_customs_no": "123456"
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/redeclare");
        httpPost.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        httpPost.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(repushBody));
        CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
        //Process the response 

//Repush customs declaration API
func repushCustomsDeclarartion() {
   repushBody := `
  "appid": "wxd678efh567hg6787",
   "mchid": "1230000109",
   "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
   "transaction_id": "1000320306201511078440737890",
   "sub_order_no": "20150806125346",
   "sub_order_id": "1000320306201511078440737891",
   "customs": "SHANGHAI_ZS",
   "merchant_customs_no": "123456"
   result, err := client.Post(ctx, "https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/customs/redeclare", repushBody)
   if err != nil {
      // Process error
   log.Printf("%s", result.Response.Body)

//Repush Customs Declaration API
public function repushCustomsDeclarartion($instance){
    try {
        $resp = $instance
                'json' => [
                    'mchid' => '1230000109',
                    'appid' => 'wxd678efh567hg6787',
                    'out_trade_no' => '20150806125346',
                    'transaction_id' => '1000320306201511078440737890',
                    'sub_order_no' => '20150806125346',
                    'sub_order_id' => '1000320306201511078440737891',
                    'customs' => 'SHANGHAI_ZS',
                    'merchant_customs_no' => '123456'
        echo $resp->getStatusCode(), PHP_EOL;
        echo $resp->getBody(), PHP_EOL;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Exception handling

										"stock_id": "Python",
										"stock_creator_mchid": "123456",
										"limit": 10,

Please refer to the API document for ordering by scanning code for other critical parameters.

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