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Development Guide

Business Process

The following is an interaction timing diagram for calling payment in a sub-merchant app, as shown below. For the API implementation provided by institutions, see the next section below.

Description of main interactions for calling payment in a merchant app::

1. A user selects a product and places an order in a merchant app, and then selects WeChat Pay.

2. The merchant backend receives the user payment order and calls the order placement API. See [Order Placement API].

3. The order placement API returns the normal prepay_id, re-generate the signature according to the signature specifications, and transfer the data to the app.

4. The merchant app calls WeChat Pay. For more information about the API, see [Development Procedure on the App].

5. The merchant backend receives a payment notification. For more information about the API, see [Payment Result Notification API].

6. The merchant backend queries the payment result. For more information about the API, see [Query Order API].

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