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Query Single Refund API

Latest update time:2021.12.14 Release notes

After submitting a refund request, check the refund status by calling this API. There may be a delay in refund. The refund paid by balance will be received within 20 minutes. For refunds paid by bank cards, check the refund status after 3 business days.

API intro

Request URL:https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/hk/v3/refunds/id/{id}?sp_mchid=parameter value1&sub_mchid=parameter value2
https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/hk/v3/refunds/out-refund-no/{out_refund_ no}?sp_mchid=parameter value1&sub_mchid=parameter value2
Note: The {id} in the URL refers to the refund No. on WeChat, while the {out_refund_no} refers to the actual merchant refund No., either of which is called.For orders completed one year ago, check the refund via the merchant refund No.

Request method: GET

Applicable object:Common modeInstitutional mode

API Rules: https://wechatpay-api.gitbook.io/wechatpay-api-v3

path parameter is a path parameter.

query parameter needs to be passed in the request URL.

body parameter needs to be passed in the request JSON.

Request Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Merchant ID mchid string(32) Yes query Merchant ID assigned by WeChat Pay
Note: Only forCommon mode
Sub-merchant ID sub_mchid string(32) Yes query Merchant ID assigned to sub-merchants by WeChat Pay
Note: Only forInstitutional mode
Institution's Merchant ID sp_mchid string(32) Yes query Merchant ID assigned to merchants by WeChat Pay
Note: Only forInstitutional mode
WeChat Pay refund order No. id string(32) Yes path WeChat Pay refund order No.
Merchant refund No. out_refund_no string(64) Yes path Returned refund order No.

For example:




Returned Result

Response for successful request

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Returned status code code string(32) Yes Error code. See the error code list for the enumerated values.
Returned message message string(256) Yes Returned message. It indicates the reason for the error if not empty.
Example:Parameter format verification error
+ Detailed error description detail array No It is returned when code is PARAM_ERROR. Details will be described below.
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Location of the incorrect parameter field string(256) Yes If the incorrect parameter is in the JSON for request body, it is populated with the JSON Pointer pointing to this parameter.
If the incorrect parameter is in the request URL or querystring, it is populated with the variable name of this parameter.
Value of the incorrect parameter value string(256) Yes Value of the incorrect parameter
Cause of error issue string(256) Yes Cause of error
Example:It is different from ALLOF schema
Location of the incorrect parameter location string(256) No body: The incorrect parameter is in the JSON for request body
url: The incorrect parameter is in the request URL
query:The incorrect parameter is in the querystring of the request

Response for successful request

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
WeChat Pay refund order No. id string(32) Yes WeChat Pay refund order No.
Merchant refund No. out_refund_no string(64) Yes Returned refund order No.
WeChat Pay transaction order No. transaction_id string(32) Yes WeChat Pay transaction order No.
Original merchant transaction order No. out_trade_no string(64) Yes The returned original transaction order No.
Refund channel channel string(16) No ORIGINAL:Refund to the paying account
BALANCE:Refund to the balance
OTHER_BALANCE:Refund to other balance accounts in case of original account error
OTHER_BANKCARD:Refund to other bank cards if there is something wrong with the original bank card.
Refund receiving account recv_account string(64) No Refund receiving party of the current refund order
1) Refund to bank cards:
{Bank name}{Card type}{Last numbers of the bank card}
2)Refund to the balance of the paying use:
The balance of the paying user
3)Refund to the Mini Fund of the paying user:
The Mini Fund of the paying use
Example:China Merchants Bank Credit Card 0403
Refund source fund_source string(30) No REFUND_SOURCE_UNSETTLED_FUNDS:Refund with unsettled funds (default)
REFUND_SOURCE_RECHARGE_FUNDS:Refund with available balance
Refund completion time success_time string(64) No Refund completion time, which is returned when the refund status is successful.
Refund creation time create_time  string(64) Yes Refund acceptance time
Refund status status string(16) Yes Refund status:
SUCCESS:Refund successful
REFUNDCLOSE:Refund closed
PROCESSING:Refund in process
+ Refund amount amount object Yes Information on the refund amount. For more information, see the description below.
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Refund amount refund int Yes Refund amount. The minimum unit of the currency can only be an integer. The refund amount cannot exceed the original order amount. If a voucher was used, the backend will refund proportionally.
Currency type currency string(16) No Three-letter code in accordance with ISO 4217.
Refund amount to user payer_refund int Yes The amount refunded to the user, excluding all voucher amount
Payment currency payer_currency string(16) Yes Three-letter code in accordance with ISO 4217.
+ Exchange rate exchange_rate object  Yes Exchange rate information
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Exchange rate type type string(16) No When the priced currency and the payment currency are the same, type="SETTLEMENT_RATE", i.e. the exchange rate between the [real-time] priced currency and the settlement currency.
When the priced currency and the payment currency are different, type="USERPAYMENT_RATE", i.e. the exchange rate between the [original payment] priced currency and the payment currency.
Exchange rate value rate int No The rate value is the exchange rate multiplied by the 8th power of 10.
If the exchange ratio is 1, then rate=100000000.
If the exchange ratio is 6.5, then rate=650000000.
+ Discount refund details detail object No Discount refund info. For more information, see the description below.
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Voucher ID promotion_id string(32) Yes Voucher or discount ID
Discount range scope string(32) No GLOBAL- All-item voucher
SINGLE- Single-item discount
Discount type type string(32) No COUPON- Vouchers, which are a kind of top-up vouchers that require fund settlement (the voucher currency of overseas merchants is the same as the payment currency).
DISCOUNT- Discount vouchers, which are a kind of top-up-free discount vouchers that require no fund settlement (the voucher currency of overseas merchants is the same as the priced currency).
Discount voucher price amount int No The amount for which the user enjoys a discount (Voucher amount = Amount contributed by WeChat + Amount contributed by the merchant + Amount contributed by others)
Voucher refund amount refund_amount int No Voucher amount refunded proportionally
Currency type currency string(16) Yes Three-letter code in accordance with ISO 4217.

For example:

    "id": "2008450740201411110000174436",
    "out_refund_no": "R20150806125346",
    "transaction_id": "1008450740201411110005820873",
    "out_trade_no": "20150806125346",
    "amount": {
        "refund": 50,
        "currency": "CNY",
        "payer_refund": 49,
        "payer_currency": "HKD",
        "exchange_rate" : {
            "type": "SETTLEMENT_RATE",
            "rate": 8000000
    "detail": [
            "amount": 1,
            "refund_amount": 1,
    "channel": "ORIGINAL",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "recv_account": "China Merchants Bank Credit Card 0403",
    "fund_source": "REFUND_SOURCE_RECHARGE_FUNDS",
    "success_time": "2018-06-08T10:34:56+08:00",
    "create_time": "2018-06-08T10:34:56+08:00"

"message":"Parameter format verification error",
    "issue":"It is different from ALLOF schema",

Error Codes

Name Description Solution
SYSTEMERROR Errors returned from the API Try call the API again.
REFUNDNOTEXIST Failed to view the refund order Check whether the order No. and the order status (e.g. unpaid and paid but not refunded) are correct. If there is no refund order under the order, only this error code is returned.
INVALID_TRANSACTIONID Invalid transaction_id Invalid request parameter. Check whether the original transaction No. exists and whether the API for initiating payment transaction returns failure.
PARAM_ERROR Request parameter was not properly filled in as instructed. Invalid request parameter. Re-check the parameter and then call the refund request again.
APPID_NOT_EXIST APPID does not exist. Check whether APPID is correct.
MCHID_NOT_EXIST MCHID does not exist. Check whether MCHID is correct.
REQUIRE_POST_METHOD Use post method. Check whether the request parameter is submitted via post method.
SIGNERROR Signature error Check if signature parameters and methods meet the algorithm requirements.

Release notes

1. Viewing a Single Refund API released online

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