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Close Order API

Latest update time:2020.04.30 Release notes

The Close Order API should be called when a new order No. needs to be generated to initiate the payment again if the merchant order payment failed, to avoid duplicate payments. This API is also required when the order has been placed by the system but the user failed to pay in time, and the system exited automatically to stop the transaction.


1. The Close Order API cannot be called immediately after the order is generated. The minimum call interval is 5 minutes.

API intro

Request URL:


Request method: POST

Applicable object:Common modeInstitutional mode

API Rules: https://wechatpay-api.gitbook.io/wechatpay-api-v3

path parameter is a path parameter.

query parameter needs to be passed in the request URL.

body parameter needs to be passed in the request JSON.

Request Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
WeChat Pay order No. transaction_id string(32) Choose one path WeChat order No. corresponding to the original payment transaction
Merchant order No. out_trade_no string(32) path Order No. corresponding to the original payment transaction
Merchant ID mchid string(32) Yes body Merchant ID assigned by WeChat Pay
Note: Only forCommon mode
Sub-merchant ID sub_mchid string(32) Yes body Merchant ID assigned to sub-merchants by WeChat Pay
Note: Only forInstitutional mode
Institution's Merchant ID sp_mchid string(32) Yes body Institution's Merchant ID assigned by WeChat Pay
Note: Only forInstitutional mode

For example:

    "sp_mchid": "10000100",
    "sub_mchid": "20000100"


Returned Result

Response for failed request:

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Returned status code code string(32) Yes Error code. See the error code list for the enumerated values.
Returned information message string(256) Yes Returned message. It indicates the reason for the error if not empty.
Example:Parameter format verification error
+ Detailed error description detail object No It is returned when code is PARAM_ERROR. Details will be described below.
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
Location of the incorrect parameter field string(256) Yes Enter the JSON Pointer pointing to the invalid parameter when it is in the JSON of the request body;
enter the variable name of the parameter when the invalid parameter is in the request URL or querystring.
Value of the incorrect parameter value string(256) Yes Value of the incorrect parameter
Cause of error issue string(256) Yes Cause of error
Example:Inconsistent with ALLOF schema
Location of the incorrect parameter location string(256) No body:The incorrect parameter is in the JSON for request body
url:The incorrect parameter is in the request URL
query:The incorrect parameter is in the querystring of the request

Response for successful request

No data (HTTP status code is 204)

For example:

"message":"Parameter format verification error",
    "issue":"It is different from ALLOF schema",


Error Codes

Name Description Solution
ORDERPAID Order paid The order is paid and cannot be closed. Handle it as a normal paid transaction.
SYSTEMERROR System error System error. Call this API again.
ORDERCLOSED Order closed The order is closed and this API cannot be called.
REQUIRE_POST_METHOD Use post method. Check whether the request parameter is submitted via post method.

Release notes

1.Close Order API released online

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