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Multi-Wallet ( For HK) API

Product introduction
Use Case
Terms Definition
Access Guide
API Rules
Parameter Specifications
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Use Case

About this Document

This document is the official manual for WeChat’s payment APIs. As such, it is the tutorial for technical architects, R&D engineers, testing engineers and service engineers for the integrated WeChat payment system, which includes merchants' systems such as online shopping platforms, cashier systems, or automatic smart POS systems. The following topics are designed to be read in order and there are references to topics "previously seen" and topics "yet to come". These references are linked accordingly and it should generally not be a problem to read ahead on other topics.

Payment Method

1. Quick Pay

The Payer shows their bar code or QR Code on WeChat's Quick Pay page to the Merchant to scan in order to pay directly. This mode applies to offline payment scenarios.

2. QR Code Payment

The Merchant generates a transaction QR Code according to the WeChat Payment Protocol and the Payer goes to "Scan QR Code" in their WeChat in order to complete payment. This mode is applicable to payments made on websites, physical stores, media advertising, or other scenarios.

3. Official Account Payment

In-App Web-based Payment, also called Official Account Payment. The Payer opens the Merchant's HTML5 pages on their WeChat and calls the WeChat payment module via the JSAPI interface to pay their transaction. This mode is applicable in the following scenarios:

  1.     a. The Payer enters the Merchant’s official account and completes their payment on the transaction page;
  2.     b. The Payer’s friend shares the Merchant's payment URL in a chat or in Moments and the payer clicks the link to complete their payment;
  3.     c. The Payer scans the payment QR Code displayed within the Merchant’s page and opens it in a browser to complete their payment.

4. In-App Payment

In-App payment also refers to a mobile-based payment in which the Merchant calls the WeChat payment module by using the open SDK integrated in their mobile-based app to pay for transactions.

5. H5 Payment

Merchants with an H5 mall website can use WeChat H5 payment to realize WeChat Pay in non-WeChat browsers, such as QQ browser, Google Chrome, and Safari.

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