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Upload File API

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Upload File

Latest update time:2019.05.23 Release notes

Some designated merchants of Weixin Pay overseas business need to upload documents. They can use this API to submit these documents and obtain the FileID values required by other business APIs.


• Unsuccessful funds-distribution orders on the WeChat side will not be listed in the bill;

• The unit of amount in the bill is Yuan (CNY).

API Instructions

Applicable to:Common mode Institutional mode

Request URL:https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/merchant-storage/file/upload

Request body type:multipart/form-data

Request method:POST

path parameter is a path parameter.

query parameter needs to be passed in the request URL.

body parameter needs to be passed in the request JSON.

Request Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
+ File information file object >Yes bodyperforms binary conversion for the file to obtain binary content, which is uploaded in the request body. The file can be in the PDF, JPG, BMP, or PNG format, with a file size not exceeding 5 M.
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
File name filename string No The file name of the file part uploaded using the form
File type content_type string No Indicates Content-Type of the uploaded file
File content content string No A binary string indicates the overall content of the uploaded file
+ File meta information meta object Yes bodycontains the file meta information and is indicated using json, involving two objects: filename and digest
Name Variable Name Type Required Description
File name filename string[1, 256] Yes Indicates the name of the file uploaded by the merchant, which is customized by the merchant and must be suffixed using pdf, jpg, bmp, or png
File digest digest string[64, 64] Yes File digest, that is, the value obtained by sha256 calculation of the binary content of the uploaded file

Request Sample of Each Language

---Sample code to be updated---

Return Parameters

Name Variable Name Type Required Description
File ID file_id string[16, 64] Yes File ID returned by WeChat

Return Example

  "file_id": "b6a17e2a-1dc4-4376-8630-e73d06490c0d"


Request Procedure

1. Create a POST method request

For example:

POST https://apihk.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/global/merchant-storage/file/upload HTTP/1.1

2.Add the file data to the request body

2.1 How to obtain the file parameters of the file information::
Conduct binary conversion to the file to obtain the binary content and place it in the http.

2.2 How to obtain the meta parameters of the file meta information:
The file meta information is indicated using json, involving two objects: filename and digest.
● How to obtain the filename parameter:
The name of the file uploaded by the merchant is determined by the merchant and must be suffixed using pdf, jpg, bmp, or png
● How to obtain the digest parameter:
File digest, that is, the value obtained by sha256 calculation of the binary content of the uploaded file

2.3 Signature calculation::
Signature generation
The request body involved in signature calculation is a JSON string of meta:
​ {"filename": "file1.pdf", "sha256": "hjkahkjsjkfsjk78687dhjahdajhk"}

Example of a string to be signed:

1566987169           // Timestamp
12ced2db6f0193dda91ba86224ea1cd8   // Random number
{"filename": "file1.pdf", "sha256": "hjkahkjsjkfsjk78687dhjahdajhk"} 

3.Add the HTTP head:

Content-Type:multipart/form-data.Set to the MIME media type of the object to be uploaded.
Authorization: WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048 mchid="1900231671",

Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=boundary

4.Add a body:

// The content of the body is as follows
--boundary  // boundary is a string customized by the merchant
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="meta";
Content-Type: application/json
//There must be a blank line here
{"filename": "file1.pdf", "sha256": "hjkahkjsjkfsjk78687dhjahdajhk"} 
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="file1.pdf";
Content-Type: application/pdf
//There must be a blank line here
context123    //context123 is the binary content of the file to be uploaded

Note:The end of each line of the request packet body needs to contain \r\n (including the blank lines).

5.Send request

POST /v3/global/merchant-storage/file/upload HTTP/1.1
Host: api.mch.weixin.qq.com
Authorization: WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048 
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=boundary

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="meta";
Content-Type: application/json

{"filename": "file1.pdf", "sha256": "hjkahkjsjkfsjk78687dhjahdajhk"} 
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="file1.pdf";
Content-Type: application/pdf


Error Code

Error Codes Error Message Description Solution
400 INVALID_REQUEST The file size of the uploaded file cannot exceed 5 M. Please check the size of the transmitted field (content). Please replace or compress the file before calling it again.
400 INVALID_REQUEST The value of the uploaded file content calculated by sha256 encryption algorithm is inconsistent with the value of the transmitted field (digest). Please check the calculation method of the transmitted field (digest). Please refer to the guidelines to check the calculation method of the transmitted field (digest)
400 INVALID_REQUEST The file type of uploaded file is currently not supported Check whether the transmitted field (content_type) is in pdf, jpg, bmp, or png

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